Linggo, Abril 01, 2012

Movie Weekend: Wrath of the Titans

Yesterday, Sunday, I was able to watch a movie for the first time in Imax (Yes, this and so many others, I am a late bloomer). Anyway I didn't have much hope on this one considering 1. it wasn't a movie I was looking forward to, 2. the first one I heard wasn't great. I was just in it for the experience. Surprisingly, it was a good movie... great even.

The cast was spectacular. First of all, Liam Neeson played Zeus. Two words: Liam Neeson. If that's not reason enough for you I don't know what is. I was surprised to find other familiar/famous faces too. Queen Andromeda was gorgeous Jane Bennet (in my favorite book/adaptation Pride and Prejudice), Rosamund Pike, Hades was He-who-must-not-be-named Ralph Fiennes, Haphaestus (blacksmith to the Gods) was Davy Jones Bill Nighy. The story too was interesting! There were so many unexpected funny scenes, and it was great! (Of course I won't tell you the story because I'm lazy. You just have to watch it. :D )

The experience was great, the effects awesome. Mental note: watch in Imax all films with possibly great effects. Hoorah!

*Pictures grabbed randomly from Google

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